While formal education undoubtedly plays a vital role in shaping a child’s knowledge and skills, there exists an undeniable value in exposing them to learning experiences outside of school as well. Whether it is through engaging weekend activities or enriching adventures during school holidays, parents have the power to significantly enhance their child’s educational journey. By embracing these opportunities, children can develop essential life skills and knowledge that extend far beyond the walls of any educational institution.
Engage students through real-world experiences

Engaging students through real-world experiences is a powerful way to enhance their learning and personal development. By giving them responsibilities, such as managing money, we empower them to become financially literate individuals who can make informed decisions. When students are entrusted with handling money, whether it’s managing an allowance or saving for a desired item, they learn the value of budgeting, setting goals, and making choices based on their priorities. This hands-on experience teaches them important life skills that textbooks alone cannot provide.
In addition to financial responsibilities, teaching students how to communicate effectively in shops is another valuable skill. By encouraging them to practice these real-world conversations – from asking questions about products to negotiating prices – students develop confidence in social settings and learn how to express their needs clearly.… Read the rest