Are you thinking of learning a new skill? If so before finding a skill you want to learn, you may want to reflect on how effectively you can learn those skills. It’s ideal to know what learning style you have to make sure that you can absorb those skills in the best way and one that suits you the most.
We are all unique, and therefore we all learn differently. You may unconsciously find that you use a particular method for learning based on our experience. But other learning techniques may even be better for you. To help you find the best learning style, we’ve gathered the following articles with different learning styles.
Which Learning Style Works For You?
Learning styles are simply the method of instructions that a person best learns information. There are four main learning styles that are generally agreed upon: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. The grouping of these four categories is referred to as VARK in education theory. There are many other theories about dozens of learning styles and their uses in the classroom as well.
Someone with a strong visual learning style may have difficulty with subjects taught in other formats. For example, a visual learner may struggle with a lecture or audio lesson where there is no visual material at all. This is where teaching tools such as a blank graphic organizer can be useful to help a student transform one teaching style into the learning style they best understand.
Reading and writing learning styles, sometimes called “verbal,” benefit most from writing notes or reading material. Outlines, charts, and other visual word maps may help reading/writing learners during visual or audio presentations. read more at
Tips: What is your learning style?
TO be a good learner and do well at school or any other learning platform, you should try and figure out what kind of learner you are and then use the particular sense that you favour to become better!
OUR senses help us to perceive and experience things, this in turn leads us to gather information and process it. This finally makes us understand, learn and remember things. In doing this, we all use our five senses but most of us tend to favour one or two particular senses more than others. Thus our learning style depends upon the sense that we tend to use more than others.
There are three basic types of learning styles — visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Some experts have come up with more categories of learners but, for simplicity’s sake, let us look at these three today. read more at